07 April 2015

Holocaust-Mahnmal: Wunstorf, Niedersachsen

The Holocaust Memorial at the Abbey

This memorial, dedicated to the memory of Wunstorf's Jewish victims of National Socialism, was created by Ostap Rebmann in 2002.  At its base is a rotating star of David that features faces filled with dread and fear of death.  The scenes and symbols depicted in this sculpture are meant to be an allegory for the suffering and deaths of Wunstorf's Jewish fellow citizens.  The stones under the sculpture form the shape of a menorah.  Instead of candles, the branches of the menorah are topped with seven stones on which are recorded the names of Jewish citizens of Wunstorf who died at the hands of the National Socialist regime.  

Hugo Bensew
Martha Bensew
Kurt Bensew
Ferdinand Blank
Brana Bodensiek

Jenny Brill
Erna De Jonge
Gottschall De Jonge
Kurt De Jonge
Ida Frank
Margot Hirschland
Levi Frank
Sofie Gutmann

Emil Kraft
Elfriede Kraft
Bernhard Kreuzer
Elsa Kreuzer
Klaus Kreuzer
Mathilde Lazarus

Richard Lazarus
Ernst Lazarus
Ludwig Lazarus
Albert Mendel
Rosa Mendel
Flora Roth

Wilhelm Roth
Renate Salinger
Frida Schloss
Henriette Schloss
Jacob Schloss
Walter Schloss
Röschen Spanier

Fritz Spanier
Meier Spanier
Elken Weinthal
Rosa Weinthal
Willi Weinthal
Brunhilde Weinthal

Siegfried Weinthal
Lieselotte Weinthal
Karla Weinthal
Jacob Wolff
Toni Wolff
Gertrud Wolff

Wunstorf.de (pdf)
Stadt Wiki Wunstorf